First, make sure your report is pulling what you need. On your Reports page, select the dimensions and metrics that matter most. Everything you select will be pulled and included in your report.
Definitions of metrics you'll find in your report
Spend: The total amount of money paid for your ads. This is what you will be billed (taxes not included, if applicable to your state).
Impressions: an impression is equal to your ad being shown once. 1,000 impressions = 1,000 ads.
CPM (Cost per 1,000 impressions): The effective cost you pay for 1,000 impressions delivered.
VCR (Video completion rate): The % of videos watched all the way through
Actions β¨
CPCV (Cost per completed view). The amount you pay every time your ad is viewed to completion, calculated by dividing spend by video completions.
Views to 25%/50%/75% Completion: The number of times your ad was viewed to a specific quartile of completion. For example, a view to 25% completion means your ad was watched at least one quarter of the way through.
Actions: The number of times that someone exposed to your ad has completed an action on your site, tracked by the Roku Pixel. These are attributed actions.
CPA (Cost per action): The amount you pay per your campaign's goal action, calculated by dividing spend into those actions. CPA does not include non-goal actions. A campaign with Page View goal that also has Sign-up and Purchase events would calculate the CPA like this: CPA = Spend / Page Views.
ROAS (Return on Ad Spend). A ratio comparing how much you spent on ads and how much purchase value they drove, calculated by dividing total purchase value by total ad spend. This will only be reportable when a purchase pixel is applied with transaction values passed.
Total Unique Actions: The number of times a unique household exposed to your ad has completed an action on your site, tracked by the Roku Pixel. These are attributed actions.
Household Reach: the total amount of unique households who saw your ad
Household Frequency: the average number of times a unique household has seen your ad. A household frequency of 3 means that on average, your ad was viewed 3 times within the same household.
CPUR (Cost per unique reach)β¨: The amount you pay to reach a unique household, calculated by dividing spend by unique households reached.