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Ad Policies

Ad policies and guidelines for Roku Ads Manager.

Updated over 3 weeks ago

Roku Ads Manager Advertising Policy

Advertisers are required to comply with this policy, which explains what is allowed when using Roku Ads Manager and supplements the Ads Manager Terms. This article is not legal advice. When we refer to ads or your ad creative in this policy, this refers broadly to any ad materials related to your ad or campaign, including your ad creative, the content of your landing page, URLs, and other associated ad content. These policies are subject to change at any time without notice.

We make determinations about policy violations in our own discretion, and we reserve the right to approve, reject, remove, or modify any ad account or ad, including targeting and other ad serving parameters, that negatively affect our relationship with our users or that promote content, services, or activities contrary to our competitive position, interests, or advertising philosophy. Your compliance with these policies does not guarantee that your ads will be served.

You must not evade or attempt to evade our ad review process and enforcement actions. If we find your ads are not in compliance with these advertising policies, or that an ad account is evading our review process and enforcement actions, an advertiser may face advertising restrictions, suspension, or termination in our discretion depending on the circumstances.

You are responsible for understanding and complying with all applicable laws and regulations with respect to their ads and use of Roku Ads Manager.  Roku may request that you provide additional information or documentation to confirm the legitimacy of your products and services, your ability to offer such products and services, and/or to verify your identity.

Restricted Ads

The following categories of ads are permitted with restrictions:

  • Alcohol. Advertising alcoholic products are only available in certain jurisdictions and are subject to the targeting and creative requirements set forth here. You cannot target alcohol ads at audiences under the age of 21.

  • Cryptocurrency Products and Services. You must get permission from Roku prior to running any ads for cryptocurrency products or services by contacting us at Subject to our prior review and approval on a case-by-case basis, Roku may permit the advertisement of the following cryptocurrency related products and services in the United States only:

    • Cryptocurrency mining hardware (e.g., mining rigs, motherboards, GPUs, etc.), guides for mining cryptocurrency, and “cold” wallets (i.e., cryptocurrency storage without buying, selling, or trading features);

    • Tax services, news, events, and educational sites relating to cryptocurrency or blockchain technology, if they do not offer cryptocurrency products or services; and

    • Certain cryptocurrency platforms and exchanges (i.e., businesses that allow customers to buy, sell, lend, and trade cryptocurrency and other digital assets) and ATMs, that are properly licensed and registered with applicable government agencies and regulators.

    • Additionally, you must provide any documentary information reasonably required by Roku to confirm that you are properly licensed and registered (e.g., a FinCEN license) where applicable, as well as to confirm the legitimacy of your products and services. You are responsible for any required disclosures related to your products and services. If you are under investigation or regulatory inquiry with respect to the legality of your products or services, you must inform us of such inquiry or investigation (unless you are prohibited by applicable law) and receive Roku’s prior written consent before you launch any campaigns.

    • All other cryptocurrency related products are prohibited, including but not limited to initial coin offerings (ICOs), initial dex offerings (IDOs), single tokens, coins, cryptocurrencies, crypto loans, crypto-mining software, and other tradable crypto assets.

  • Dating Services. Dating services must be legal in the applicable jurisdiction(s) where you are targeting your ad(s). Prohibited dating services ads include but are not limited to: ads related to escorting, prostitution or similar services where a person is compensated to participate in a date or sexual activity; international or mail order spouse services; ads that are sexually explicit; and ads that promote infidelity.

  • Financial Products and Services. Ads for credit cards, loans, insurance services and other financial products must not directly request the input of any personally identifiable information or financial information. Where requested by Roku, Advertisers promoting financial products and services must demonstrate that they are properly licensed and/or registered with applicable government agencies and regulators in the jurisdiction(s) they are seeking to target. Financial products and services that may require a license include, but are not limited to, credit cards, insurance products, loans, mortgages, and investment products. Advertisers must also comply with disclosure requirements in compliance with applicable laws and industry standards. Ads for single securities, stocks (including penny stocks), bonds, and similar tradable assets, as well as get-rich-quick, MLM, and pyramid schemes and similar offers, are prohibited.

  • Over-The-Counter Drugs and Supplements. Ads that promote the sale of over-the-counter medicines or supplements must comply with all applicable local laws, required or established industry codes, guidelines, licenses and approvals, and include age and country targeting criteria consistent with applicable local laws and regulations. You may not promote any supplements that are not approved by the FDA or which are intended cure, treat, mitigate, or prevent diseases or mental health conditions. You must not use Ads Manager Tools, including the Pixel or Events API, to collect or otherwise disclose any Sensitive Data to us as defined in the Ads Manager Terms.

  • Political Advertisements:

    • Subject to the Ads Manager Terms and the requirements in this section, Roku permits the following kinds of political ads to run in the United States only, subject to targeting, transparency, and legal requirements, as well as the Political Ad Guidelines available here:

      • Elections, campaigns, referendums, or ballot initiatives;

      • Political issues and/or advocacy, including ads that may influence the outcome of an election or relate to current or proposed legislation (including “get out the vote” or election information ads);

      • Ads promoting political merchandise; and

      • Ads placed by political organizations or otherwise regulated as political advertising.

    • Advertisers wishing to run political ads must first provide Roku with all applicable documentation, which may include information to verify your identity. If you select a political category during ad account creation, you will be required to provide certain information to Roku in order to display political ads, including your political party affiliation and your FEC ID and/or state or local ID, in addition to information about your candidate, proposition, or cause. Roku may ask for additional information where we deem it necessary. You may only use your political account, and no other account, to advertise political ads. Political ads must comply with any applicable election “silence periods”.

    • Your ad creative must include clear and conspicuous disclaimers that include the name and entity that paid for the ads in compliance with applicable laws. Additionally, Roku may publish information about your ads and campaigns, including but not limited to the ad creative, who paid for the ad, the disclaimer used, number of impressions received, spend, and targeting parameters (including geographic targeting).

    • Political ads may be limited or prohibited on a state-by-state basis, including without limitation, as follows:

      • Maryland: Only federal political ads are permitted. Maryland State and local political ads are prohibited. If you are a Political Action Committee (“PAC”) in the State of Maryland, your authorized representative must be your authorized PAC Treasurer.

      • Wyoming: All political ads in the State of Wyoming are prohibited.

  • Special Categories (Credit, Lending, Housing and Offers of Employment):

    • Advertisements related to credit and lending, housing, and offers of employment are prohibited from unlawfully targeting audiences in a discriminatory manner, including but not limited to targeting on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, marital or familial status, age, medical or genetic condition, veteran’s status, and/or receipt of public assistance or personal, financial or legal hardships.

      • This prohibition applies to your targeting decisions, ad creative, any segments you may upload or otherwise use in your campaigns, and your use of our advertising tools. If you are promoting ads in any of these categories, you must self-identify as a special ad category during account creation. Certain targeting restrictions may apply to your ads. Below is a non-exhaustive list of what is included under each category.

Credit & Lending



  • Credit cards

  • Offers of credit

  • Loans and mortgages (car loans, home loans, short and long-term loans, etc.)

  • Debt recovery

  • Housing listing sites and aggregators

  • Real estate services

  • Sale, rental, or temporary housing listings

  • Offers of insurance (homeowners, renters, mortgage)

  • Financing options

  • Full or part-time jobs, internships, and apprenticeships

  • Job fairs, job boards, and job aggregation services

  • Career placement and related services

  • Professional certification programs

  • Subscription Services. Ads for subscription services must including any legally required terms or disclosures, including on pricing and recurrent billing.

  • Third Party Rights. Ads must not use intellectual property, including copyrights, trademarks (including logos, service marks, or company logos, whether registered or not), trade secrets, or patents, belonging to third parties unless you have lawfully obtained the express written permission from the owner or rightsholder. Ads must not violate any rights to privacy, publicity, or other personal or proprietary rights. Roku may ask you to provide documentation of your authorization to use ad creative that Roku believes may belong to a third party. Your ads cannot suggest an affiliation or partnership with, or endorsement by, Roku, and you may only use Roku’s name, logo, brand features and other intellectual property with Roku’s prior written consent and subject to Roku’s sole discretion.

Prohibited Ads

The following categories of ads are prohibited:

  • Adult Products. Ads must not promote the sale or use of adult products or services. Ads promoting sexual and reproductive health products or services, like condoms, contraception and family planning, are permitted.

  • Cannabis and Other Recreational or Illicit Drugs. Ads must not promote the sale or use of any illicit or recreational drugs or related paraphernalia, including without limitation any products containing cannabis, THC or any substance banned by the FDA, or any other unsafe substances, products or supplements, as determined by Roku at its sole discretion, including but not limited to apparel, accessories, supplements, dispensaries, and events.

  • CBD and Related Products. Ads that promote or offer the sale of cannabidiol (CBD) or similar cannabinoid products are not allowed unless otherwise approved in Roku in writing.

  • Counterfeit Goods. Advertising the sale of unauthorized goods that are designed or branded to imitate authentic goods is strictly prohibited. Counterfeit goods include goods affixed with the trademark, name, or logo of a brand to a product not created or authorized by that brand.

  • Deceptive, False, or Misleading Advertising. Your ads must be truthful and promoted in good faith. Your ads cannot promote products or services which contain misinformation or are deceptive, false, or misleading, such as pyramid-schemes and other scams designed to take surreptitiously take someone’s money or valuables or access a user’s personal information. You may not make exaggerated claims without documentary evidence, use overly provocative or sensational content or click-bait or misleading tactics to get users to engage with your ads, or promise benefits or ask for personal information via misrepresentation. You may not use an ad to promote or install malicious software such as viruses, worms, spyware, and malware of any kind.

  • Discrimination, Hate Speech and Harassment. We prohibit ads which unlawfully discriminate or harass individuals or groups or incorporate hate speech of any kind. This includes ads which discriminate or harass, or encourage discrimination or harassment against, individuals, protected groups, or organizations based on protected characteristics such as race, color, ethnicity, country of origin, immigration status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, political affiliation, health or disability, or any other protected category.

  • Gambling and Gambling Related Services. Ads that promote any gambling product or service, including lotteries, games of skill, and games of chance, where money or anything of monetary value is exchanged or at stake, are prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, ads related to:

    • Online Gambling, such as online casinos, gambling, games, betting, fantasy sports, bingo, poker, and skill game tournaments;

    • Brick and Mortar Casinos that promote gambling and similar types of gaming;

    • State and national lotteries.

  • Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Products and Services. Any ads promoting products and services related to healthcare and pharmaceuticals, including but not limited to prescription pharmaceutical drugs, online pharmacies, hospitals, doctors, medical providers, medical devices and tests, surgical procedures, cosmetic procedures, and vaccines, are prohibited through the Ads Manager Platform.

  • Illegal Products or Services. Advertising illegal products, services, and activities are strictly prohibited. You may only advertise products and services in territories in which they are compliant with applicable laws, including the content and targeting of your ads.

  • Internationally Regulated Products and Services. Your products and services must comply with U.S. and international foreign regulations related to any international sales. You are prohibited from advertising products and services which are subject to U.S. trade embargoes and sanctions, such as those established by OFAC. As we expand the availability of the Ads Manager Platform to other territories, further restrictions may apply.

  • Mature, Offensive, Sensational or Exploitative Content. Your ads must be in good taste and suitable for the audience you wish to target. Your ads cannot contain nudity or sexual activity, or be offensive, obscene, vulgar, sexually suggestive, pornographic, shocking, sensational, or excessively violent. Ads must not contain profanity. We do not permit ads which exploit crises, vulnerable people or groups, or controversial events, including bereavement, contentious cultural topics, violence, natural disasters, and other tragedies.

  • Tobacco Products. Ads promoting the sale, use, manufacturing, distribution, or brands of tobacco or nicotine, tobacco alternatives, and tobacco or nicotine related products or paraphernalia, are prohibited, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, electronic cigarettes, vaporizers (vapes), and events. Roku may in its sole discretion permit Ads that promote tobacco and smoking cessation products approved by either the World Health Organization or the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which must comply with all applicable local laws and regulations and required or established industry codes and guidelines.

  • Weapons and Other Violent Products and Services. Ads promoting the sale or use of weapons and violent products and/or services are strictly prohibited. These include, but are not limited to, weapons, guns, ghost guns, gun ranges, ammunition, safety parts, explosive materials (including fireworks), pepper spray, tasers, and realistic replicas or imitations of such weapons and violent products. Trainings, certifications, licenses, events, and instructions for the creation or use of such weapons and violent products and/or services are also prohibited.

Targeting Restrictions & Anti-Discrimination Policy

In addition to the above requirements, you agree to the following with respect to your targeting decisions and practices. Your targeting decisions and practices must be suitable for the creative you have provided and the underlying products and/or services you are promoting, as well as in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, and industry self-regulatory principles or codes of conduct, including the DAA and NAI.

The following policy applies to your targeting choices whether you are targeting individuals or groups based on Roku’s services, or through audiences you have uploaded to Ads Manager. Targeting policies may vary by region.

  • Age Restrictions: Ads which target, or are designed to appeal to, users under 18 are strictly prohibited. Additionally, if you are promoting ads related to alcohol, you agree that you will only target users who are 21 or older in the United States, and the applicable legal drinking age if you are targeting locations elsewhere. Your creative cannot appeal to audiences which are younger than the minimum age you are permitted to target (for example, you cannot use teenagers in ads related to alcohol or gambling).

  • Special Categories: If your ads are in housing, financial or employment verticals, you are prohibited from targeting an audience on the basis of legally protected characteristics, including but not limited to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, marital or familial status, age, medical or genetic condition, veteran’s status, receipt of public assistance or personal, financial or legal hardships, or any other protected categories under applicable law (collectively, “Restricted Groups”).

  • Discriminatory Targeting: Unlawful discriminatory targeting is prohibited, whether by targeting or excluding certain audiences. You agree that you will not use Restricted Groups for unlawful discriminatory targeting.

  • Vulnerable Groups: Ads cannot exploit users in vulnerable individuals or groups, including but not limited to those related to addiction or addiction support, those who are undergoing or have undergone violence, natural disasters, and other tragedies, and groups which otherwise are or have been historically marginalized. Ads cannot target users on the basis of unfair stigmas or social biases.

  • Inflammatory Content. Ads must not contain claims that a person or group of people are a threat to the physical safety, health or survival of others on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, caste, sex, gender, gender identity, serious disease, disability or immigration status. Ads must not threaten, harass, provoke, bully, degrade, or disparage people or engage in predatory advertising practices.

  • Content Relevance. Ads must clearly represent the company, product, service, or brand that is being advertised. All ad components, including any text, images or other media, must be relevant to the product or service being offered. The products and services promoted in an ad must match those promoted on the landing page the ad drives to.

If you have any questions about this Advertising Policy, please reach out to us at

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