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Invoicing FAQs

Frequently asked questions about invoicing

Updated over 5 months ago

Below you'll find some frequently asked questions about invoicing.

For more detailed information on invoicing, consider these articles:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Why can’t I see the Organization menu option to apply for invoicing? Only organization admins can access this page and apply for invoicing.

  2. I received an email saying my credit line was rejected. Why does my organization’s credit line status say “Not Activated”? An organization’s credit line status has only two states: “Not Activated” (for pending or rejected applications) and “Activated” (for approved applications).

  3. I got an email that my credit application was approved. Why don’t I see it reflected in Ads Manager? After approval, credit lines can take up to 24 hours to be reflected in Ads Manager.

  4. How do I apply for extended payment terms? Unfortunately, all Ads Manager credit lines come with Net 30 payment terms.

  5. I paid my invoice already. Why hasn’t my payment status changed? It can take up to 12 hours from the time Roku receives your payment for the payment status to change. Also, please note that partial payments are not reflected in Roku Ads Manager. If the full invoice amount is not paid, the payment status will not change to “Paid.”

  6. I’m running out of credit but don’t have any unpaid invoices. What do I do? You can apply for an increase in your credit line via the organization page.

  7. My campaigns were deactivated due to overdue payments or high credit utilization. I paid my invoices but the campaigns haven’t unfrozen. Why? It can take up to 12 hours from the time Roku receives your payment for the payment to be reflected in Ads Manager and for your campaigns to resume.

  8. How do I switch my account from invoicing back to credit card? Unfortunately, an ad account can only transition from credit card billing to invoicing, not the other way around. You’ll have to create a new ad account to use credit card billing again.

  9. I’m looking at my credit utilization on my ad account’s payment screen and it seems to be more than I’ve spent on that account. What’s happening? Multiple ad accounts under an organization can use the same credit line. The credit line statistics on the payment page of an ad account are reflective of the organization’s credit utilization, not just that of the specific ad account.

  10. My credit line was decreased. What happened? Roku reserves the right to decrease an advertiser’s credit line if utilization is too low over a sustained period of time.

  11. My campaigns were paused due to high credit utilization, but I’ve only used 95% of my credit line. Why can’t I use 100%? Unfortunately, Roku pauses campaigns within invoiced accounts when credit utilization reaches 95%.

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